Abrasion resistant wear plates and parts for demanding applications
Wear plates that are designed for demanding applications to withstand abrasion and impact.

Exote's wear plates 

Exote wear plates are suitable for applications where exceptional wear resistance and/or impact resistance is required. The Exote material consists of hard titanium carbide crystals, which are up to 50% harder than common consumable ceramics. The friction coefficient of the material is lower and the specific weight is significantly lighter than the most common wear plate materials, which is why it is suitable for demanding applications. 


Up to 50% harder 
Exote-material consists of titanium carbide crystals, which are up to 20% harder than tungsten carbides and 50% harder than general wear ceramics. 

Superior abrasion resistance 
The rubber ceramic drop plate under the trolley feeder was replaced with Exote wear plates. The life cycle of the drop plate increased from three months to 18 months (ore feed size 0-250 mm and drop height 1.5 m, feed rate 1200 tons/h).

Excellent impact resistance
Exote's tough metal matrix reduces the inherent brittleness of hard, ceramic materials, which is why its impact resistance is significantly better. The fracture toughness value is 3-10 times better than typical ceramics, which fracture toughness value is on average between 2-4 KIC. The fracture toughness value of Exote material is between 12 and 30 KIC, as with tungsten carbide.

Optimum sliding properties
Exote's surface friction coefficient is lower compared to the most common wear plate materials. Less friction improves the sliding of the material and reduces its adhesion to the surface of the plate.

Light specific weight
Thanks to titanium, the Exote wear surface can be 50% thicker than a steel wear surface and up to 280% thicker than a tungsten carbide surface for the same total weight.

The product is made in Finland, made from Western raw materials, and its carbon footprint is 50-90% smaller than similar materials on the market. Exote does not contain critical raw materials such as tungsten or cobalt.

The chromium carbide wear plate that served as a discharge lip of vibrating feeder was replaced with a cut-to-shape Exote plate assembly. The service life increased from 3 to 4 months to ca. 2 years. The feed size was 0 - 150 mm and at the same time the weight of the plate was reduced by 20%.


Beveled bi-metallic wear parts. Parts have tough steel backing which can be welded into structures.


Exote panels are available for any standard foot print in the market (lengt x width x height). Taylormade sizes in flat shape are available according to customer request.

Applications of Exote wear plates and parts  

Exote’s wear plates are best suited for wear and impact-resistant applications. Exote is being used in, for example, the following areas: bottoms of feeders, walls of hoppers, discharge openings and drop points.  

Exote solves for example the following problems: 

  • The current solution causes downtime too often, and reducing it would increase productivity and maintenance work safety 
  • The hardness of the current material is suitable, but its impact resistance is not sufficient 
  • The current solution is dependent on critical raw materials 
  • The carbon footprint of the current solution is not ideal 
  • The current solution has too much weight 

Book a call with us or leave an inquiry 

Leave your contact information here, we will contact you and the most suitable solution for you 

You can also call or email Kari or Christoph 

Kari Kokkonen 

+358 40 770 2960 

Christoph von Rentzell

+358 50 573 6057